Choose from a selection of Cicely Mary Barker's timeless Flower Fairy prints in postcard form. Perfect for 6 x 4 frames.
Check the number of your chosen postcard against the numbered images then find your selection in the drop down menu above. The names are listed below.
- 1. The Primrose Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 2. The Stitchwort Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 3. The Daisy Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 4. The Dog-Violet (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 5. The Cowslip Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 6. The Lady's Smock Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 7. The Speedwell Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 8. The Larch Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 9. The Dandelion Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923)
- 10. The Buttercup Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 11. The Forget-me-not Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 12. The Poppy Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 13. The Bird's-Foot Trefoil Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 14. The Harebell Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 15. The Scabious Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 16. The Greater Knapweed Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 17. The Traveller's Joy Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 18. The Ragwort Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Summer, 1925)
- 19. The Wayfaring Tree Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 20. The Acorn Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 21. The Black Bryony Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 22. The Blackberry Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 23. The Rose-Hip Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 24. The Crab-Apple Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 25. The Hazel-nut Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 26. The White Bryony Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 27. The Beechnut Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 28. The Hawthorn Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926)
- 29. The Snowdrop Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Spring, 1923 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 30. The Yew Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 31. The Winter Jasmine Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 32. The Rush-grass and Cotton-grass Fairies (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 33. The Plane Tree Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 34. The Pine Tree Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 35. The Holly Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Autumn, 1926 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 36. The Box Tree Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 37. The Almond Blossom Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 38. The pear Blosson Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 39. The Wild Cherry Blossom Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 40. The Laburnum Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 41. The Guelder Rose Fairies (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 42. The Elder Flower Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 43. The Cherry Tree Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 44. The Poplar Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 45. The Mulberry Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 46. The Willow Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 47. The Elm Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940)
- 48. The Scilla Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 49. The Rose Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 50. The Narcissus Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 51. The Forget-me-not Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 52. The Pink Fairies (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 53. The Geranium Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 54. The Candytuft Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 55. The Phlox Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 56. The Lavender Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 57. The Sweet-pea Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 58. The Heliotrope Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Garden, 1944)
- 59. The Red Campion Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 60. The Rose-bay Willow-herb Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 61. The Black Medic Fairies (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 62. The Bee Orchis Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 63. The White Bindweed Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 64. The Red Clover Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 65. The Self-heal Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 66. The Stork's-bill Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 67. The Tansy Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 68. The Ribwort Plantain Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 69. The Fumitory Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 70. The Agrimony Fairies (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 71. The Chicory Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 72. The Greater Celandine Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 73. The Ground Ivy Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 74. The Horned Poppy Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Wayside, 1948)
- 75. The Blackthorn Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
- 76. The Christmas Tree Fairy (from Flower Fairies of the Trees, 1940 and also published in Flower Fairies of the Winter, 1985)
Flower Fairies Postcard